Assuming you are a first timer farmer and you don’t have land, it’s a good time to consider leasing land. The cost of leasing land differs from one area to another. There are several areas you can acquire land, and here are few main things you should consider when looking for land for lease:
1.Source of Water
Adequate water supply is crucial for garlic growth especially during the early stages and bulb development. It’s important to ensure that the land you are interested in has a reliable water source such as proximity to a water body or access to irrigation. This helps reduce the cost of farming as you don’t have to worry about buying water. However, in instances where the land is not near any water source, we encourage farmers to use water harvesting techniques or buy water for irrigation.
2.Agricultural Rich Soils
Garlic thrives well in well-drained soil with fertility. The soil should have a good drainage and exposure to as much sunlight as possible. Choose a location that receives at least 6-8hrs of direct sunlight daily. Avoid areas with excessive shade as it can lead to poor growth and lower yields.
Before proceeding to planting, agronomists are encouraged to conduct soil tests to determine the pH levels, organic matter content and nutritional availability.
Its important to consider the land accessibility for harvesting and transport as well as maintenance.
The land should have proper road access, proximity to good tarmacked roads and be easy to navigate for machinery or equipment.
Select land with gentle slope to allow for better drainage and pooling of water around the the garlic plants. Steep slopes can lead to erosion and uneven water distribution.
4.Secure Region
Consider fencing your farm well and building a temporary structure for security purposes.
For quality Garlic Seeds and Lands for Lease, Call or WhatsApp 0708 233 861 or 0708 478 531